Many a time, when you believe in something and you wish to pursue it. You will face challenges. Not many people realise that challenges may come in the form of cold water or icy cold water (discouragement) from one's spouse, family, friends. This is where many people will falter and think to themselves why are they doing such a thing. These people soon lose sight of their dreams and hopes. They resign to fate that they are meant to do what they do and live the current life that they live.
THIS IS NOT TRUE! If you are persistent enough and strong willed enough. you will OVERCOME this form of challenges and have a personal breakthrough! you will find yourself a much stronger person then before. So what if your loved ones and friends laughed and belittled you. Be strong! Show them! I guarantee you that at the end of the day, you will be the one standing tall!
Many a time, most people do not know that they are in fact one way or another discouraging a person, or to be crude...DESTROYING other's dreams. Just because they dare not dream. doesn't mean that others must follow their lead.
DREAM ON! BUILD YOUR DREAM! Never give in, Never ever ever ever ever give up! the moment you give up on yourself. That is the end of everything. Always stay positive! feed your mental mind positive thoughts and in turn you will get positive results!
The top 3% of the world's smartest and powerful men did become what they are overnight. It is through a process of constant reading of self development books and upgrading their knowledge + also they DARED TO DREAM!
A Flower which is full of good pollen will attract bees. A bad one simply will not.
Build and develop yourself so that YOU may become that flower, and bees will naturally be attracted to you!
9 months ago